Innovative Woman Pat Mussieux

Spotlight_Pat MussieuxMeet Innovative Woman Pat Mussieux, Owner of Wealthy Women Leaders

How and why did you begin your business?
With a background in HR, Training and Marketing – I was first offered an opportunity to work as an independent contractor (thus, my own business) with a private educational institution in 1990 – all work was focused on mindset. After an amazing 10 years, I left the Institute to get a J.O.B. – because of the many personal crises happening in my life at that time – family illness, deaths, and the demise of my own 22-year marriage (a financial fiasco for me!). Once ‘the dust settled’, I made the decision to step back into my coaching and speaking business – AND I also made the decision, at that time and at age 55, to move across the country and start a new life. It was tough! But I had faith in my own abilities – and I knew I had something to offer women in business.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
Biggest challenge was getting back into biz, after a 5 year hiatus, moving across the country – new location, NO clients, no contracts, no database, no money – got a job temporarily to make enough money to step back into the biz and hire a coach to help me with marketing in the new economy – I am an expert in mindset, marketing and money – I just didn’t know HOW to get the message out and attract ideal clients. That was the turnaround for me.

How do you define SUCCESS?
Success is living your best life – no compromise! (I did that already for 22 years in the marriage!) Success is making a ton of money so that I have the resources to help women entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom! And I model that to them….. because it’s never too late!

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Just like my divorce – if I knew in advance just how difficult it can be, I may never have done it. Being an entrepreneur is hard work, period. It’s not for the faint of heart. And you need to have the financial resources to be able to invest in yourself and in your business.

What makes you an innovative woman?
Listen, if I can re-launch a business, at age 57, in a new city, with no/limited resources and take it to multiple 6-figures in less than 4 years…….I have innovated, big time! I am the poster child of hope and success for the baby boomer woman entrepreneur.

Learn more about Pat and Wealthy Women Leaders by visiting her website here!