Wring Out Your Worry and Thrive More

Wring Out Your WorryWorrying interferes with you moving forward in your business and getting things done. Are you worrying about long to-do list, your low bank account, what that recently unsatisfied client might be saying about you, or what to put in that proposal you have been putting off writing? Whatever it is, let it go. Worrying is a waste of time and energy—all it does is stress you out, bring you down and interfere with your success.

You know it would serve you to stop worrying, but trying to do so can be challenging. For most of us, this concept is a great idea that is very difficult to implement. Many women seem to have been born with a worry gene. Instead of trying to eliminate all worry, try a different approach.

  1. Start with Awareness – Start to become more aware of when you are worrying. By becoming conscious of it, you can begin to change your behavior. When you notice you are worrying, take a deep breath and then let it out to relax you a bit.
  2. Be Present Now – When you become aware that you are worrying, ask yourself if what you are worrying about is related to today. For example, if you are worrying about a speech, a business meeting or a potential opportunity, is that something that is going to happen today? If the answer is no, then you are not allowed to worry about it.
  3. Take Action – If what you’re worrying about is something that is happening today, then reframe your worry thoughts into planning thoughts. Instead of worried thinking like “I hope my business presentation goes well this afternoon,” reframe that into a planning thought: “Is there anything I can do to improve my business presentation and ensure I am successful tonight?” If the answer is yes, do it. If you have already done everything there is to do, then there is nothing to worry about.
  4. Plan – When you find yourself worrying about ongoing issues like , financial difficulty or difficult relationship, make a pact with yourself to stop worrying and engage in some planning time. By asking yourself powerful questions instead of staying stuck in the worrying rut, you can improve your situation. Then, of course, follow up your planning with consistent action.
  5. Ask Powerful Questions – The powerful questions you might ask yourself are “What would it take for me to stop worrying about this?”; “Is there a different choice I can make that will provide me with more well-being?”; or “Is there something I can say or do right now so I can stop worrying about this?”
  6. Trust Yourself – Life will go the way it goes. There is much we cannot control. We cannot control the weather, other people or even if parking will be available when we get to our destination. Recognize that you can only control yourself and the choices you make.

Remind yourself that you are capable and competent and that you have the power to affect your life to the extent it is possible to do so. If you cannot control a situation, it does you no good to worry about it, so simply let it go.

“Let it go” is the key to wringing out worry. When you notice you are worrying about things outside of your control, let go of these thoughts and think about something you can impact. Soon you will find more positive and powerful thoughts filling your mind.