Innovative Woman Patti Keating

Patti KeatingMeet Innovative Woman and Business Breakthrough Coach Patti Keating, Owner of  The Entrepreneur Unleashed

How and why did you start your business?

I started my business to help women create successful businesses while honoring their families.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
Being a newly divorced Mom of 4 in a new community and finding out my business partner was not in integrity and leaving in a moment with nothing but a decision to create success. I overcame it by diving into success principles and immediately applying everything I learned. within 14 months I created a 6 figure business.

How do you define SUCCESS?
Success is a commitment to to living life by design rather than default.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began, what would that be?
The value of monetizing my strengths and not trying to fit into a cookie cutter model.

What makes you an innovative woman?
My ability to identify people unique strengths and help them see how to monetize it.

Learn more about Patti and The Entrepreneur Unleashed by visiting her website here!!