You Might Have a Woman Entrepreneur Malady and Not Even Know it!

DoctorOne of the greatest things about being a woman entrepreneur is that you can go in any direction you want in your business. You can add a group coaching program when you like, bring on a new assistant when you want or stop everything to finish your book when you want. The challenge with running the show by yourself is that when you get ill and do not know it there is no one around to tell you, you do not look so good. See, there are two invisible maladies that we are constantly exposed to that can be very hard to build an immunity to if you are not very diligent to follow the treatment protocol. These two business illnesses may be keeping you from building a profitable and sustainable business.

The first you have heard about before. You may have even seen it in others and pitied their plight. The symptoms can include attending every seminar, teleclass and webinar offered, or purchasing every new software or business gadget as soon as it comes out or being a “yes” to everyone that wants to partner with you or joint venture. This affliction is called the Bright Shiny Object Syndrome. The cure is to be decisive about what your business plan is and to stick with it when all the exciting opportunities present themselves. As opportunities or new solutions arise decide if they are the right choice or if they will pull your focus away from your goals.

The condition is different than the first in that it comes from your genetic make up, not from something you are exposed to. This is the Brilliant Idea Syndrome. You may be very susceptible to this infection and not even know it. This is when you get so many brilliant ideas that you are so excited about, like a new radio show or mobile app. or tele-summit and you are so full of energy to pursue the great idea that you step away from other, less exciting yet necessary, business activities like making sales calls, paying attention to your expenses or creating your operations manual.

Start to pay attention to how you are feeling and notice if you are having the symptoms of either of these business afflictions. If so, begin to apply the healthy business protocol of staying on track and focused with your current plan. This will result in a more profitable and sustainable business and there will be time for shiny objects and brilliant ideas down the road. When you can incorporate them into your plans and not have them take you off course.