Innovative Woman Michelle Broad

Michelle BroadMeet innovative woman Michelle Broad owner and creator of the Women’s Wellness Network membership site for women and a finalist for the Innovative Women In Business Award!

How/why did you begin your business?
I began my brick and mortar practice in 2001 and it remained open until 2009. I then merged my practice with a Doctor friend of mine. I have been working on my online women’s health portal since 2011. I began working on my online site to bring together a one stop education and shopping experience for women that they could look to as a trusted and up to date resource for all things related to their health and wealth and well being.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge has been in learning how to bring my offline knowledge and experience online in a comprehensive but simple format for women. It has also been a challenge for me to learn all the online technical stuff that I have had to learn but I have taken a lot of online courses to help me with that and I have surrounded myself with other talented women whose strong suites are not mine.

How do you define SUCCESS?
Success for me is doing what you love and blessing others with it and living with personal integrity on your own terms and I am doing just that.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
I wish that I would have had a mentor to guide me when I first opened both the offline brick and mortar business and now the online site so that I could have avoided many of the pitfalls that I encountered.

What makes you an innovative woman?
My fortitude to never stop pursuing my dreams and helping others to fulfill theirs.

For more information about Michelle and how she works to get reliable, up to the minute researched information about how to be healthy, wealthy, and wise in body, mind, and spirit visit