Innovative Woman Chris Atley

Innovative Woman of the Week Chris AtleyMeet Chris Atley, Life and Business Coach and a finalist for the Innovative Women In Business Award!

How/why did you begin your business?
I began my business because I longed to feel alive again after losing my passion and drive while working in the insurance industry. I wanted to feel like I was helping people and making a difference. I no longer felt that way in my corporate career. The problem was I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do! After having my first born on moving day, and losing my Dad shortly after, a lot changed for me. I was left feeling pretty miserable. Then one day I had a great lunch date with a friend and came home in a completely changed and very positive frame of mind, which led me to watch the movie, “The Secret”. At that moment I realized I could dream big and create anything I wanted in life! One door opened after another, and I heard about coaching. I knew right away it was the perfect fit, and everything I did afterward confirmed just that.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
Me, me and ME! I was lucky in that I learned how to start and grow a business pretty fast due to being introduced to some fabulous mentors. Even though I had all of the business tools, things still weren’t flowing revenue wise. It wasn’t until I made a huge financial investment to work with a business coach who focused on mindset as well as growth strategies, that everything changed. I was able to dig out what was really holding me back deep down and get out of my own way! I generated more in business in July of 2013, then I made in all of 2012. Life is magical!

How do you define SUCCESS?
I define success as being able to do what I want, when I want and with whom I want. Essentially it’s about the having the means to have the freedom to do what I choose, and being able to help others do the same on a larger scale. It’s also about celebrating each step of the way as I reach my bigger goals and dreams!

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Make sales calls! For some reason in all of the business training I learned early on, not one program or mentor reinforced the importance of making quality sales calls each and every day! It doesn’t matter which level you’re at! This along with my mindset shift is what changed my business dramatically!

What makes you an innovative woman?
I am an innovative woman because I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve the business and lifestyle I want – nothing illegal of course! Seriously though, it’s about doing whatever it takes to peel back the layers of the onion and get out of my own way. For when I do, life is magical and I also have the privilege of showing other entrepreneurs how to do the same. I now realize that It is all about overcoming what you are resisting on the path that the universe has already paved for you.

For more information about Chris Atley visit