Innovative Woman Shajen Joy Aziz

Innovative WomanMeet Innovative Woman Shajen Joy Aziz, co-author of the book, movie and movement Discover The Gift, and and a finalist for the Innovative Women In Business Award! 

How/why did you begin your business?
I am a master educator and First author and Co-Creator of the international bestselling book and film Discover the Gift, which has been released in 22 countries worldwide, as well as author of an up- coming book. Until Discover The Gift, I had been working in our public education systems for over 20 years as a Special Educator, Administrator and Counselor. My focus has been creating alternative programs in mainstream settings in order to give all students access to an education which works for them.

I began my business because my purpose had a greater calling. Discover the Gift is a book, CD, and dvd to touch, inspire and change the world through helping people realize their passions, gifts and purpose, heal from tragedies and hardships and radiate love and practice gratitude.. This is a globally successful project that began about 4 years ago

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
Creating a committed team – overcame it by creating a Global Ambassador Program and Global Trainer Seminar then handpicked my team from there. Really they naturally emerged as leaders of the conversation. Then the important part…”I invited them to join me.”

How do you define SUCCESS?
I define success as joy and happiness. If you wake up authentically present and happy, this is success. And… it looks differently to everyone. It is personal.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
That there are real shysters and people who will try to cut you down. Knowing this ahead of time would have helped me manage some situations with more grace, ease and compassion.

What makes you an innovative woman?
My primary philosophy is creating possibilities and abundance on all levels, for our self and all those around us, one person, one family, one community at a time. What makes me innovative? The 4 I’s. Insight, Intention, Integrity and Involvement. I am present and I listen to my insight and follow through on what I know to be true for me.

For more information about Shajen Joy Aziz visit