FEES- How Much Do You Charge for a Speech?

I get this question all the time at my Sought After Speaker Summit. The better question is how do I catapult my business with speaking? Your fee does not matter, what matters is that you learn how to monetize your speaking. If you speak to a room full of people who are your ideal clients and some of them sign up with you before you go home, you have been very well paid.

As someone who delivered over 100 speeches and trainings last year, I prefer not to get a speaking fee because I am a lot more relaxed if no one is writing me a big check.

The free speech (or as I like to call it: the marketing speech) can give you 100 times more revenue than a speaking fee. This works very well in two instances: when you can offer something to the audience so you come home with clients, and the speech that showcases your value to your ideal clients who you connect with after your speech even if you cannot make an offer.

All that said if you are still after a speaking fee here are some other things to consider:

How Often You Want to Speak
If you only want to speak once or twice a month you can only speak for your full fee.

Your Time Away From The Office
It is appropriate to charge three times as much for a speech that requires two days of travel plus a day of delivery, even if the speech is only one hour.

Audience Size
The bigger the audience the more potential spin off, or additional revenue can come from the speech.

Follow the above advice to gain lots of insta-clients when you speak regardless of fees.

Caterina shows women how to use public speaking to gain-insta clients and share their value. Find out how to catapult your business with speaking at her upcoming Sought After Speaker Summit www.soughtafterspeaker.com