We all have the same amount of time. How do you use yours? (Episode #20)

Today on the show I have guest Bonnie Joy Dewkett and we’re talking about getting organized and learning how to reclaim your time.  This is a topic near and dear to my heart as work life balance can be a challenge in this crazy, busy world we live in.bonnie-joy-dewkett-time-management

Here are some highlights from our chat:

  • Discuss how to minimize meeting time
  • Talk about how to get the most out of time spent with coworkers/employees
  • Break down how to take back your day and accomplish what really needs to get done
  • Discuss the importance of giving up being a firefighter — how to stop putting out fires
  • Talk about how to leave work on time and achieve a better life balance.

About Bonnie Joy Dewkett

Bonnie Joy Dewkett, CPO® is a nationally recognized organizing expert, author, motivational speaker, and internet radio personality. She began organizing as a child, and she has been organizing ever since. Her company, The Joyful Organizer®, creates and implements organizational systems for the home and office. These changes allow her Customers to create calm from chaos at work and at home. Bonnie is passionate about helping her clients meet their organizational goals, and loves to see the positive impact that getting organized has on their lives.

Her diverse background gives her the ability to assist her clients with everything from the unique needs of organizing children’s rooms; to the organizational challenges of moving an entire family across the country. Working in special education in Maine, Bonnie helped her students exceed their educational goals by creating individualized programs that used their strengths to overcome their unique set of challenges. As a relocation consultant at Cartus, she managed the logistics of the moving process for hundreds of families that were being transferred through their employer.

Recognizing a gap in the information about moving and relocation, she authored The Joyful Organizer’s Guide to a Joyful Move—a comprehensive resource for families that are preparing to move. It helps them reduce stress by keeping them organized throughout their move. It is available on her website http://move.thejoyfulorganizer.com, and Amazon.com.  Her most recent book, 50 Tips to Get You Organized- In Ten Minutes or Less!, is available in print or Kindle formats on Amazon.com.

She has gained a worldwide audience through her radio show, The Joy of Organizing.  With over a quarter of a million downloads, her show is the most listened to show on the BlogTalkRadio Woman’s Business Network, formerly the Diva Toolbox Radio Network.  Airing weekly, the show provides practical organizing tips and tricks for busy families. She has interviewed many of the country’s top organizing experts, including Oprah’s PeterWalsh, JulieMorgenstern, DIY’s Karl Champley, Barbara Hemphill, and Barry Izsak.

Bonnie’s organizing advice has been featured in many local newspapers, and nationally in Better Homes and Gardens, Better Homes and Gardens’ Secrets of Getting Organized, Parents, and Woman’s Day magazines. Bonnie has achieved the prestigious designation of Certified Professional Organizer, CPO®, from The Board of Certification for Professional Organizers. Making her one of only six in the State of Connecticut, and less than twenty-five in all of New England.

Bonnie received a B.S. in Resource and Agribusiness Management from The University of Maine in 2001. She completed work on her M.B.A. in May 2011, graduating summa cum laude from Nichols College.