How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Women’s Events and Retreats

pinterest_redPinterest is a fabulous way to attract women to your events and retreats. Women love Pinterest and women love to get together, and that is where you come in with your Pinterest account. Setting up your Pinterest boards might take a few minutes the first time, but you’ll become a pro in no time at all!

Create an Event Board
Create an event board and place that board near the top of your account. Make sure to have a compelling image! Have a call to action, such as “sign up now.” Make sure to use your prettiest photo as your event board cover!

Have Beautiful Images
What would make you “like” or comment on a Pinterest pin? Make sure to have pictures from your event that are compelling. Pinterest is a visual medium, and it’s 80% women.

Reply to anyone who comments on your pins. For more engagement, comment on other people’s pins too. Pinterest has an extremely powerful search engine. See how others in your field are promoting their events. Can you use similar wording and hashtags? For instance, #Fashion and #Style would be great for an image consultant.

Think of the Person Searching
Put yourself in the mind of the woman who wants to attend your event. What would you put in the search bar? Make sure to use those words and phrases. Answer the Who, What, When, Where, and How questions that journalists use, and you’ll be set. You can use a hashtag or two to describe your event, too. If you created a hashtag for your Twitter campaign, you can use the same one.

Pinterest is a powerful way to spread the word about the value you have to bring with your events and retreats for women. Be sure to include these above strategies in your over all event marketing plan. You will find that you are gaining more visibility, more people will be following you and soon your events and retreats will fill with ease.

Are you a woman who wants to learn more about putting on your own retreats and events? Join Caterina Rando at her next Enliven Summit. You’ll learn to catapult your business revenue with events. Learn more at For a deep discount use code TIWMAG and get started catapulting your business today. Caterina can also be reached at and by phone at 415.668.4535.