Life Happens…

LoveYourself Bubbles copyLiving in alignment with what we want to see showing up in our lives and business is the single most powerful daily practice for each of us to adopt. I have found that when I integrate specific practices, I see my results easily; likewise I see where I am derailed by my efforts or lack thereof.

I recently received an email from a woman stating that she could be positive for a few days in a row and then “something” would happen to throw her off her course. Her question was, “How do I stay positive no matter what my circumstance?”

Great question.

My answer was, to understand that life happens through you, not to you.

One view of life puts you smack-dab at the helm of your life.

The other view puts you at the effect of life, feeling powerless and like a victim.

Here’s the secret sauce… you want to live from the perception that we, you and me, get to define what an experience means instead of allowing it to define us.

I define.

We define it.

Ultimately…YOU define your experiences.

Here are three ways life happens through you and keeps you in your power, directing your life and business.

  1. Thoughts you think: You are the thinker who thinks the thoughts that create the things in your life. When you truly know that your thoughts create, you can take a greater responsibility for what you think and focus on.
  2. Words you speak. We know our words can hurt and have an effect on another person. When you know that your words have a vibration and connect to matching energy and vibration, you become more selective in what you speak, knowing it will come back to you.
  3. Action you do (or do not) take: Once you’ve aligned your thoughts and words, it becomes imperative that you take action or not. It’s just that action will move you to clarity, while no action will keep you stuck, stagnant, and spiraling.

Life happens through you based on the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions you either do or do not take. You are a creative being in your life. No one outside of you can create in your life unless you give him or her the power to.

For example, you’re doing great on your journey. You’re thinking positive thoughts aligned with what you want to see, the results you want to produce. Then your product launch isn’t as successful as you had targeted, your boss disagrees with a proposal you submit at work, your conversion is 10% less, your speaking opportunity is cancelled.

Your power is to be found in how you define each of these experiences.  What I want for each of you is that you learn to become the highest component in your life by defining what it will or will not mean.   Based on how you define it, you can quickly regain your balance and move forward.

I remember marketing an event only for the day to come and I arrived at the venue and no one showed.  It stopped me dead in my tracks.  I questioned my value.  One month later, I was sitting with my coach, Lisa Nichols in a VIP session, explaining what happened.  She immediately chimed in saying that it didn’t have anything to do with me. It could have my marketing, timing, or the content.

But because of how I defined it, I was stuck for one month.

Too often we make everything about us personally, we question our value instead of our systems and let the experience define & stall us.

Knowing life happens through you, that you are at the helm of your life through your thoughts, words, and actions gives you the tools to create the strategy to strengthen your bounce-back muscle.

Much love and respect,

Rev. Jenenne