Putting dreams on your team is like having your own coach who shows up every night free of charge, who knows you and your business better than you know yourself. Every night these dreams show up with personalized lessons that show you what’s really going on and give you clues as to what to do next.
You might be wondering if even scary dreams come with good intent. In my experience all dreams, even the nightmares, come in the service of health and wholeness, not necessarily comfort and convenience. Over the past three decades of listening to my dreams it has often been the most frightening images that delivered the most profound insights to move me forward.
One image that typically creates a heart pounding frightening response is death. Death in dreams is not referring to a literal physical death, but uses the image of death symbolically. As a symbol, death in dreams always signifies a new beginning. In nature death is followed by rebirth. The seed must die so the plant will grow. The caterpillar dies so a butterfly will emerge. When we dream of death, it is a sign of releasing what is no longer serving us so that new life, new possibilities can emerge. If death shows up in your dreams ask yourself if there are any behaviors or patterns of thought in your personal or business life that have been holding you back. This may give you a clue as to what is ready to be released.
Developing a relationship with your dreams is easy.
- Set an intention to REMEMBER your dreams. Put a pencil or pen along with a pad of paper or journal next to your bed.
- RECORD your dreams when you wake up. Pay attention to the images. Are any memories triggered? How do the images make you feel? Dreams speak in metaphor, just like poetry. For example, a red blooming rose may indicate a heart full of love. A neglected baby may indicate a new idea that has been forgotten and is seeking attention.
- SHARE your dream. Dreams are like friends, they thrive with loving attention. Sharing your dream will typically give you insights into additional layers of meaning.
- REFLECT on your dream. Let your dream simmer on the back burner of your mind throughout the day and see what echoes come through to remind you of the dream.
I invite you to have fun, be curious and playful with your dreams. Find a dream group in your area to join or call a dreamworker to follow up on a particularly potent dream.
Dream on and dream well.
Guest Writer-Jean Kathryn Carlson, MA
Jean is a dream alchemy life coach, EFT Practitioner, inspirational speaker and co-author of Catch Your Star and On the Wings of Faith. Her dreams have guided her through numerous life transitions. She received her certification through the Marin Institute of Projective DreamWork in 2011. She brings her intuitive skills to the dream landscape and helps fellow dreamers connect the dots between the meaning of the symbols in their dreams and their waking life reality. Her unique alchemical blend of dreamwork and tapping sets the stage for a powerful and transformational experience. She has witnessed countless clients benefit from the power of tuning into dreams in order to determine the next inspired step to take towards a more fully expressed life. For more information visit www.vibrantlivingalchemy.com.