Today on the show I have Heather Pich and our topic today is, Does Your Thinking Limit Your Success?
During today’s call you will:
Learn about opportunities we are missing right in front of us and why.
- Discover the basic model of human behavior and how our thoughts are directly related to the results that we get in our lives
- Explore Reasons/excuses we have as to why we aren’t getting the results that we want in our business or personal conversations.
- Understand Serving vs selling.
About Heather Pich
Heather Pich has been a mentor/trainer for almost 12 years with a large direct selling company, building a 1.2 + million dollar team earning numerous awards for sales, leadership and sponsorship. She was highlighted in Empowering Women Magazine across the country in 2010, wrote several training classes for the direct sales industry training at national conventions twice to 3000+ entrepreneurs. Helping others become successful at their business in sales, client services, client solution and more, Heather found serving others and inspiring them to live the life they truly desire became her passion. She is the author of the #1 best-selling book “Bookings When You Have No Bookings” A guide to keeping your Sales calendar full and co-author of the #1 Best-selling Audiobook/CD “Driving Ambitions”.
Heather explains her training techniques in easy laymen’s terms guiding and teaching on the MINDSET in her presentations called “Does Your Thinking Limit Your Success” and “Maximizing Your Potential” which are part of a series of workshops she promotes with her corporate position at Productive Learning in Capistrano Beach, CA.