Mistakes I Made In My First Year Of Business

Mistakes my first year in business, ashleigh ryanStarting your own business takes a lot of research, time and planning. When I first started out my own business I was only 24 years old and like most of us I had no bloody idea what I was doing!

In business we’re all going to make mistakes – although with mistakes comes great lessons. So if you’re planning on starting your own business or perhaps you’re in the process of starting one, i’d like to share with you some mistakes I made along the way.

1. Not putting myself out there
I didn’t create my own social media channels or website until I was in business for over a year. This was a major mistake, I was lacking professionalism and I wasn’t practicing what I was preaching. For example I was building websites and running social media channels – yet I didn’t even have one myself.

Now the reason for this was because I was scared I would fail….If I put myself out there into the world and failed, people would judge me. I felt embarrassed to put myself out there and accept that my business was a legitimate business. I let other peoples doubts of me affect my business and my confidence.

Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back. In the end I learned it’s not my problem what anyone else thinks about me or my business – I can’t control other peoples thoughts so why should I let it affect me? Their thoughts are their thoughts not mine, and that is their issue not mine. Go out and get your photos done, build your online presence and BE YOU!

2. Not setting boundaries
This is crucial in business you need to set boundaries!!!!! Why I didn’t do this in the beginning was because I didn’t know what that even meant, and what that involved!

What happens when you don’t set boundaries is people start to expect things from you that you never agreed on, because you didn’t say otherwise.

You’ll have people calling you at all hours because you didn’t say otherwise.

You’ll have people paying you months late because you didn’t set a late fee.

You’ll have people taking advantage of you because you just put up with it.

You’ll do work for someone 5 minutes here and there and end up invoicing them for a few dollars….because you didn’t set a 1 hour minimum rate.

I recommend writing a list of boundaries or your own business ‘policies’ and let your clients be aware of these from the beginning. That way you are both clear on each others expectations. It’s vital to have have a positive working relationship and not one where you feel like you’re being taking for granted.

If you have clients at the moment and you start instilling boundaries, you may have a lot of push back. Your current clients may be confused as to why you no longer do certain things or answer their calls on weekends for example. Be sure to be firm and polite in your responses, ‘yes I’m aware of that although my business is going through some changes right now and I just wanted you to be aware of them. Thank you for understanding’

3. Not charging enough
When I first started offering services at an hourly rate I let other people define my value… BIG MISTAKE. Make sure you set your own rate – and remember when you work for yourself you have to pay your own tax, annual leave, sick leave, superannuation, insurances and all that other stuff we have to pay for!

I know how it feels in the beginning, you might not feel like ‘you’re worth’ the rate that you’re setting, people need to pay for your time and you’re worth it! Imagine how much it would cost them to actually employ someone! If you’re lacking confidence I suggest you find a coach or mentor or take a course that will help you get to where you need to be.

I am really grateful for everything I learnt in the beginning, and that people took a chance on me. I have made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I now know that’s ok. I want you to get out there, live your passion and ask for help when you need it…. Don’t let anyone define your worth and be sure to set boundaries!

What mistakes have you made in business? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

Guest Writer-Ashleigh Ryan
Ashleigh is an Online Marketing & Success Mentor for women in their first year of business. Her passion is teaching coaches and creatives how to attract paying clients EASILY and on REPEAT. Vist her website www.ashleighryan.com or connect with her on Facebook.