Need a break? 5 Great Mini Vacation Ideas

mini vacationsWork, work, work… that’s basically what we face when we have our own business. The tidal wave of activity is non-stop. The endless chatter of getting stuff done doesn’t stop. The pressure and weight of doing business is great. It never ends!

Endless to do lists, mind maps, proposals, client deliverables , networking, meeting, conferences… Arggg! When can you catch a break?

As an entrepreneur, you may or may not have a team. Either way, its ultimately up to you to keep the ship moving. You find yourself daydreaming about that “future vacation” you want to take. You know the “BIG VACATION” that you plan for over a year costing from $5 to $20K at a time? You work extra hard just so you can get out the door. You escape the daily insanity by thinking of how great that vacation is going to be and give you the necessary break you’ve been wanting for so long.

But what if you could create mini vacations on a regular basis?

5 Mini Vacation Ideas

1. Look at your calendar. Every six weeks plan a four day weekend. Calendar it. You don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want too. Just having four days to give yourself decompression time away from the business is a restorative measure. Try not to book anything too demanding (inserting house chores, repairs or clean up into the time). Give yourself the opportunity to unload business responsibilities. Think about topics that are outside of your business. Or brainstorm about a subject of interest. Book downtime that allows you to be nice to yourself. The idea is to create relaxation and pleasure. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create time for enjoyment
  • Exercise
  • Get a massage
  • Family time
  • Go to a live music or acting performance
  • Take a drive to somewhere you’ve been wanting to go.
  • Go camping.

2. In order to take those two extra days off every six weeks, you’ll need to make sure you have…

  • 12-Month plan outlining your company business goals.
  • Monthly plan that gets you to your business goals.
  • Weekly production objectives to meet those monthly goals.
  • Daily action steps to achieve weekly objectives.

3. Solid planning is key to business success and its important to have structure each day you work. Solid work productivity requires you know what you want to accomplish each day. This is directed by what your overall goals are for your business. Write three goals for each day you’re in the office. By week’s end, 15 items will be completed to build towards your goals. If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, you probably are! Concise framework will clearly define what needs attention and created.
4. Stop working 12 to 16 hours a day in your office. By toiling away that long, you actually diminish your productivity. Your body is not meant to sit for that long in front of your computer. Especially, on a daily basis! With proper planning, an average eight hour day will get you to your business goals. Also, working that much gives Jane a boring life. Limiting your hours gives you the opportunity to exercise, feed your body good nutritious food and have fun! Running your own business is a marathon not a sprint. It’s important to have a good work life balance.
5. Block out the first 30-90 minutes daily for yourself. When you first wake up, take time to settle into your body. Stretch. Drink a glass of water to re-hydrate your body. Take a few minutes in bed to connect with God. This is the time to find gratitude for waking up, being healthy of sound mind and body, and giving me the opportunity to have another adventure on the planet.Take your iPod out for a walk. Or do some stretching or yoga. Go to the gym. Ride your bike. Connect with nature. Meditate or pray a few minutes each morning. It doesn’t have to be for a long time. Just making the intention to connect with God each day can provide focus and peace as you work. The connection can help guide, inform and create ease in your work. While these suggestions might not give you the $10K big vacation you’re dreaming about, you will find this level of planning and simplicity will keep you sustained and restored on a regular basis. It’s important to nurture yourself and OFTEN. As an entrepreneur, you are being stretched and bombarded with competing roles and projects. Its important to take care of yourself, your health and your spirit for long term success!

This is to you, your health and your spirit!
Enjoy!!! :)
P.S. Try not to work seven days a week between your 6 week excursions. In Conclusion: You deserve to create a number of restorative breaks throughout the year. Being busy and hectic is the nature of owning your own business. There will always be more to do than time allows. No matter how big your team gets or if you’re a solopreneur, the nature of work is that there is always MORE! Good planning will take away the feeling of always being behind and not getting ahead. One of the building blocks of a successful business is that you are healthy, strong and vibrant.

You want to lay the foundation to THRIVE! So block out your calendar and go on 8 mini-vacations per year! Discover for yourself how much better you feel. Witness how much more work you’re able to accomplish because your batteries are charged. Experience how clear your thinking becomes when you have to do that deep thinking in your business. All the unnecessary fires become less often and an even workflow appears. You have a reservoir to give your full attention to your work without the feeling burnt out.

Good Luck!

Chirstine MiuraGuest Writer-Christine Miura
Christine Miura is a speaker, marketing and internet strategist, business coach, social media expert, and author.

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