Innovative Woman Sarah Anne Stewart

Innovative Woman of the WeekMeet Innovative Woman Sarah Anne Stewart, founder of Holistically Slim, co-founder of Bliss Out Wellness, and Certified Holistic Health Practitioner.

How and why did you start your business?
I started my own business to spread the practices of the world of holistic health I grew up with, but strayed so far from during my previous careers in event planning, real estate, and fashion. My lifestyle was hectic and stressful and soon I was completely burnt out. I suffered from extreme adrenal fatigue and was very unhappy with my life. After months of suffering, I went back to my roots at started healing myself from the inside out which left me back to the place of health and joy I am in today. The extreme transformation I experienced inspired my to become a holistic health practitioners and help others become their happiest and healthiest self.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My father’s terminal cancer diagnosis which came over twelve years ago was the most challenging moment in my life. My family and I was at a loss for how to progress, especially since my father opted to cure himself through a holistic route rather than undergo the rigorous chemotherapy his doctors recommended be started right away. It was hard to accept that my father wanted to take this atypical and unpopular route, but my family hired a vegan and raw food specialist who provided an intense juicing and vegan diet plan, supplements, daily yoga and meditation. After seven months the cancer was completely gone and has not returned since. That experience has given me so much for faith in holistic health practices and has truly shown me why I do what I do.

How do you define SUCCESS?
To me, success is leading life of true and authentic health and happiness. My goal is to provide my clients with the knowledge behind the basic principles of meditation and controlling their thoughts and emotions to achieve optimal physical and mental health. I experience success every day by empowering and inspiring others to be healthy, prevent sickness and cure chronic degenerative diseases by transforming their thoughts and beliefs about wellness.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began, what would that be?
I so often hear individuals declare that they “don’t know what their calling is.” I believe that at our very core we all know that we are destined for pure bliss. However, finding bliss can be difficult when we have spent our entire lives being taught how to live based on society’s rules of success. Before starting my business, I wish I had known that, in order to find true happiness, we truly must “un-teach” ourselves what society has taught us our entire lives. Maybe then I would have been able to start helping other sooner rather than spending years lost in unfulfilling and mentally and physically damaging careers.

What makes you an innovative woman?
My innovation comes from my unique view on health. My company was inspired by the idea that health cannot be packaged in a bottle, nor is there any magic meal plan or fitness regime that will cure all your health woes. The view that I share with my clients is that wellness is an all-encompassing lifestyle that requires complete balance mental, physical, and spiritual balance and are both in a constant state of growth. Love for life that comes from the core and it is our mission to spread our bliss throughout the world.

To find out more about Sarah Anne Stewart visit her website or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.