Innovative Woman Susan Tolles

Susan TollesMeet Innovative Woman Susan Tolles, Certified Life Purpose Coach®, professional speaker, author and founder of Flourish Over 50® and The Flourishing Life.  Susan is The Reinvention Strategist for Christian Women.

1. How/why did you begin your business?
I was a “late bloomer,” and didn’t become an entrepreneur until I was 53 and had reached the empty nest. In that transition time, I knew I wanted to do something new that was fulfilling and that made a difference in the world, and I wanted to be my own boss. With no experience in web design or publishing, I created my own website,, as a lifestyle resource for baby boomer women, and it has been an exciting ride ever since.

The more I grew in confidence and faith, the more I wanted to help women at a deeper level. I became a life coach in 2011 and later a Christian Life Purpose Coach® to fulfill my own purpose “to inspire and equip women to flourish from the inside out.” I let go of Flourish Over 50 a year ago, and today, I am a Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women at The Flourishing Life, doing things I never dreamed I’d do a few years ago!

2. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
I have been a lifelong perfectionist, which has been both a blessing and a curse in becoming an entrepreneur. My brand is impeccable and I have programs that are unique and well-designed, but I have learned the hard way to let go of perfect and strive for good enough. I now embrace my authentic self, and know that I have extreme value just as I am. Being authentic and vulnerable has been liberating! Plus, it has helped me relate to my community and my clients better, as most women have this same challenge.

3. How do you define SUCCESS?
Success is living life fully in accordance with my God-designed purpose. It is confidently stepping in to what He created me to do with humility, generosity and grace, keeping my priorities in order. It is keeping my eyes on things that bring eternal rewards, and finding joy in every day.

4. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
You can’t build a business alone! I tried the “do-it-yourself” model, with programs from the elite coaches and no administrative help. What I learned along the way is that, like every entrepreneur, I need the personal guidance and support from coaches and mentors who have the expertise to help me create a strategic plan, and who provide the accountability to keep me moving forward. Now, the more I invest in professional development, the more I grow and the greater my success.

5. What makes you an innovative woman?
I love the Latin root of innovate, ”innovare,” which means to renew or make new. I can’t think of a better word to describe my reinvention journey over the past five years. When faced with paralyzing fear, I took a giant leap out of my comfort zone and did something totally new as I launched At each new stage, I have allowed myself to dream big, step out in faith and become a better version of myself.

Another important aspect of my innovative persona is my role in guiding other women to become renewed in their careers and personal lives. So often, someone will come to me saying she feels stuck, depressed, flat, frustrated or invisible (and sometimes all of the above!). I am blessed and honored to come alongside as her coach, accountability partner and cheerleader, leading her through a process to become vibrant and confident about her future, both personally and professionally. I think “flourish” and “innovative” go hand in hand!

To find out more about Susan Tolles visit or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.