When you begin any meditation or self healing energy medicine modalities I always suggest to my students and clients that they learn to ground themselves. There are many different visualizations that you can do to put a grounding chord from your tailbone to the center of the planet in order to ground your electrical or energy body into Mother Earth. Regardless of what visual technique you use this is a great first step to take in your self-care ritual.
To support your GROUNDING you are going to want to work with Black Obsidian. Black Obsidian is a natural energy filter and protector and will assist you in feeling connected to the Earth. Carry a small piece in your pocket or in a medicine bag to keep your energy field protected from discordant energies and keep you from experiencing scattered thinking or spacey feeling. This stone possesses the wizard-like energy of Archangel Raziel, the strength and protection of Archangel Michael and the soft beauty of Archangel Jophiel. To access these energies hold your grounding stone and call upon your angel. Quiet your mind and wait for an answer.
The second thing we want to work on when beginning any energy practice is opening and balancing the heart. I suggest working with 2 stones. The first stone I suggest working with to BALANCE the heart is Aventurine. Aventurine works on an energetic level to balance male and female and regulates giving and receiving energy. Working with this stone heals heart pain and encourages sharing and opening the heart. Archangels that work with Aventurine are Jophiel who inspires with beauty and divine creativity, and Raguel who harmonizes discord and regulates energy flow.
The second stone to work with to open and balance the heart is Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is traditionally used to attract and amplify LOVE and HEART AWARENESS. It gently opens the heart and increases self love, inner peace and emotional healing. The Archangel associated with the healing properties of this stone is Ariel. Archangel Ariel oversees the healing powers of the nature spirits and is a protector of animals and the environment, especially water bodies. Ariel can help with manifestation and Divine Magic.
Angel Intuitive, Energy Healing Expert, and Spiritual Business Advisor Aeriol Ascher has decades of experience assisting clients to live more comfortable, confidant and conscious lives. Her healing practice Reiki Angel Intuitive Arts was voted Best “Day Spa” in Silicon Valley by the San Jose Mercury News 2015. Aeriol empowers her clients with tools to increase awareness, hone intuition and connect to their authentic self by offering them gentle guidance and straightforward advice on navigating the path to manifesting their heart’s desire. Got Questions? www.AskAeriol.com