3 Essential Steps to Working SMARTER, Not Harder – Part 2

Business woman and group of workers people team.

The second step is learning to delegate.

It’s impossible to do it all on your own.  Trying to do it alone only leads to “burn out.”  Trusting staff to take care of the details frees you up to do the things that will generate more income.

Here are a few beliefs you’ll need to let go of to delegate successfully:
If I want it done right I have to do it myself
• Everything I do needs to be perfect
• People only let me down, I can’t trust anyone.
• I should do it all
• I can’t trust anyone to not make mistakes

The third step is to remember that YOU GET WHAT YOU FOCUS ON.

If you want abundance, then you need to focus on abundance and FEEL what it feels like.
If you desire is to make a Multiple 6-figure income, then spend time contemplating what that feels like.  Focus on the feelings you have, such as joy, satisfaction, security, confidence, empowerment.

If your mind veers away from abundance and starts to dwell on what you DON’T have, then intervene on your own behalf; say “STOP” and switch your focus. Like attracts like, so focus on how it will be to receive what you want.

One of my favorite authors, Louise Hay, says this “happiness is feeling good about yourself.”

So for you to achieve success, you need to continuously feel good about yourself. I know how difficult this can be. Because when you’re not already achieving the level of success you want, it’s very common to start putting yourself down. In fact most of my clients have the belief that they “need to be hard on themselves in order to achieve success.”
Actually nothing could be further from the truth. When you put yourself down in your heart you lower your energy and you de-motivate yourself.

You get back what you give out.
If you’re giving out discouragement and fear anxiety, it all comes back to you multiply resulting in a lack of income and the lack of clients.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling good about yourself, then you are giving out joy, appreciation, and gratitude.

Since like energies attract like energies, this will come back to you in the form of your ideal clients, increased transactions, and an abundance of prosperity.

But here’s the rub:
How can you feel good about yourself when you’re not doing the things you know you need to do and you’re not living up to your full potential?

This is the time when you need to realize you can’t do it yourself without some outside support. Then you can begin to nurture positive beliefs about yourself and you begin to realize that your feelings of worthiness don’t depend on your performance.

Most people think “I’ll feel good about myself when I’m succeeding.” Actually they have it backwards. When you feel good about yourself, you will start succeeding.