Your Financial Relationship 

Have you ever thought about your relationship to finances? Understanding why you either hang on or always need more can be circumstantial or situational from an event that created your relationship to the money. 

Mine comes from a circumstance of being financially victimized. This led me to help people understand that there is more to securing your financial future than “deferred tax income streams,” which can vanish. 

Emotion: Money is not about finances. It’s about emotions. Money is strongly connected to our emotions. An emotion can take you on a spending spree or an earning spree. It can make you decide to spend it all because you “deserve it” or to save everything and “sacrifice.” 

Situational: Look back at a time when you were forced to do something financially that you didn’t want to do. It can be anything good or bad. This can be a trigger that subconsciously leads you to financial success or destruction. 

Circumstantial: How we approach money, how we think about money and how we handle money can be directly attached to a family, adult or childhood circumstance. 

Elation: A large sum of money comes your way. You feel comfort and joy, and all is right again. Why is it that the first thing many of us do is to go purchase a new car that immediately loses value the second it leaves the lot? 

FEAR: Some believe that money is the cause of all of our problems. Don’t be afraid. Money creates CHOICE, FREEDOM, and SECURITY. 

The Truth: We all should take a look and find our trigger. Plan to have several buckets to dip into for your future. Tax-free guaranteed lifetime income is one that will provide for you in the event that you run out of money. You will never run out of INCOME!