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Punishing a kid because you are angry and frustrated in the moment is unfair, but consequences in and of themselves are not a problem. Poor management of consequences breaks families apart. That hurts everyone. If that is where your family is, grab your teen and learn side by side.
As adults we suffer consequences all the time. That’s because we make mistakes: We fail to pay a bill, and the electricity gets cut off. We run a red light and get a ticket. We get out the door late and miss the train.
We might feel bad for making a mistake, but are not surprised by the consequence: We already knew what was going to happen. We’re not happy about it, but for the most part we can accept the consequence and let it go.
With kids, on the other hand, consequences are often not clear: Sometimes mom will get mad when you come in late and take away your phone; other times she’ll be pretty chill about it. Sometimes dad will ground you for the weekend because you forgot to put the recycling out; other times he’ll just remind you to not forget next time.
Consequences in and of themselves are not a problem.
However, when consequences are unclear and inconsistent, 1) they don’t work and 2) they feel vindictive and breed resentment.
Poor management of consequences breaks families apart. That hurts everyone and if that is where your family is, this workshop is for you!
This essential workshop brings TEENS and THEIR PARENTS together to
•Find out when and how natural consequences are most effective
•Identify when logical consequences are required
•Learn the 3 Keys to Effective Logical Consequences
•Generate a list of parent approved, kid agreed to consequences
Stop pitting the parents against the kids. Work together to set household standards and guidelines. Get help proactively addressing the need for effective consequences by signing up TODAY. Use the code TWIB to get 20% off. Admissions is for the entire family.
ALTERNATE WORKSHOP DATE: Sunday, July 25 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific