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Sick of kids’ back talk and constant negotiations? GRAB YOUR TEEN and learn 3 great techniques along side your kids for communicating constructively and finding win-win solutions together.
Today’s tweens and teens are master wheedlers. They’ll push and push and push until they get their own way. In the end, that doesn’t serve them. Or you. They get a warped sense of their own importance in the family, and you feel resentful because you have lost your parental authority. You can shift that by engaging your family in co-creating agreements that will work for everyone.
This workshop is meant for parents of kids 11-17 years old and their tweens/teens. Admissions is per family and includes an ebook reviewing the Yes and the Same Time Technique. Use the code for Caterina’s group to get a 20% discount: TWIB
ALTERNATE DATE: Sunday, July 11th at 1:00 p.m.