Pack your Triple D in your Sales Backpack!

I am not a proponent of using certain God given qualities to increase sales, but I am all for the Triple D being pack in your sales backpack! Now before you start getting feathers ruffled – let me explain – I’m not talking about your Cross My Heart or Push Up bra – I’m talking about Desire – Determination – and Demonstration! If you are not packing the Triple D – turn around and go home because without it – you will more than likely fail.

Desire – If you are not packing desire and I mean that deep yearning desire to succeed and go off thinking just maybe you will make a sale today – guess what – your halfhearted desire will shine through! When was the last time you wanted or felt compelled to buy something from someone who came across as less than invested in the product? More than likely you tuned them out, turned your back, and walked away. – Right?

Determination – Some might think determination and desire are similar – wrong. Desire means a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen whereas determination is a quality that compels you to keep trying to do or achieve something that is difficult no matter how many times you may fail. You have to bring that undying determination and hold fast to it no matter how many “no’s” you may hear. The next could always be a “yes!”

Demonstration – The act of showing someone how something is used or done and PROVING the results. If you can’t back what you are packing, you are not carrying the Triple D!