Get Over the Fear of Cold Calling

Does the thought of cold calling stop you dead in your tracks? If so, you’re not alone; many people deal with this fear on a daily basis. There are two primary reasons why so many people are afraid of selling over the phone. The first is that they are afraid of the person on the other end of the phone rejecting what they have to offer. The second is that you are not completely confident in the product or service that you are selling. In this case, you are uncomfortable with the product or service so you are afraid to try to sell it to someone who might not like it or doesn’t really need it. To help you make your cold calling efforts more successful, I have put together some helpful information.

If you truly believe in the product or service that you are offering, it will likely be much easier for you to begin making sales calls. It will also be easier for the person on the other end of the phone to feel your enthusiasm about what you are selling. This will make them more willing to meet with you to discuss how your product or service can be beneficial to them. If you believe in what you are selling, it’s much easier to convince others of how it can be beneficial to their business. It is also much easier to speak about something that you believe can truly enhance the lives of others.

When you begin a sales call experiencing a high level of fear, the results of that call will likely be less than stellar. The person that you are speaking with, will be able to pick up on your anxiety and reject any sales pitch that you present. In order for your call to be more productive, you need to speak with confidence and clarity. The more confident that you are in the product or service that you are selling, the more likely your efforts will be met with a positive result. The key to cold calling success is confidence, confidence in yourself and what you are trying to sell.

Another key to cold calling success is to go into the situation as prepared as possible. If you can reference something about the business you are calling, and how your products or services can benefit them makes the call more personal. If the person on the other end of the phone feels comfortable, they are more likely to listen to your entire sales pitch. You should always go into a sales call expecting to hear the word “no”, but if you take some time to prepare your pitch before you make the call, you may find that you hearing fewer no’s.