Innovative Woman Marie Wallace

Innovative Woman of the WeekMeet Innovative Woman Marie Wallace author, realtor and founder of Second Act Success.

1. How/why did you begin your business?
In January of 2007, my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, in October of that year she lost the battle. During her last days, I realized how there was no turning back the clock. It was so surreal. I realized at that moment that the most precious four-letter word is time. Once it is gone, you cannot get it back. Throughout my mother’s life there were so many things she wanted to do but always thought it was too late, or she was too old. She could have been in her 30’s or 40’s. I always tried to encourage her, but she always said no. I wondered where in my life was I showing up like that? 

Then I wondered how many women have given up on their dreams and passions because life got in the way? How many know that there is something else for them, yet think they are too old to pursue it or do not know how? I want women to realize it is never too late and no matter what they are never too old. This inspired my new business, Second Act Success. “Giving women the courage to perform their second act in life”. The name was inspired by my singing and musical theatre background.

2. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
The one thing that I have learned is that life is full of challenges. I think the biggest challenge was accepting that everything that I have experienced and lived through in my life was part of my life’s purpose. Especially when I was involved in a very abusive relationship for 6 years. I have looked back on those dark days and wondered why did it happen? However I realized now that is was supposed to happen. Everything we experience in life is part of our journey. I could let my challenges take over my life, or I could learn from them and grow. I believe it made me stronger. Quitting was definitely not an option. Which inspired me to be a co-author in the book “On The Wings of Faith” where I share my story. Another thing that was hard to do, but I knew that others need to hear it. I want women to know that you have to be willing to let go of the past in order to step into the future.

3. How do you define SUCCESS?
Success for me is living your passion and dreams. What am I doing today to get me closer to living the life I am meant to live? I believe we are all given a gift that only we could bring to the world. It is our responsibility to figure that out and pursue it. There is a quote I love from Joseph Campbell that says, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek”. It is just waiting for us to receive it. When we are living in our gifts how can we not be successful. Everything falls into place and the people we need to help us will show up.

4. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Well, it is something that I have always known, but wasn’t good at, that things do not have to be perfect to start. “Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down”. I am a perfectionist and want everything to be in place and perfect before I start, I am always wanting things to be better or just right, but I realize that things will always be changing and evolving as I go along. It doesn’t have to perfect. My passion and commitment and experience is enough.

5. What makes you an innovative woman?
I am on a mission to encourage women to uncover and pursue their dreams, successfully create their own reality and live the life they desire. I want my daughters to see their mother live her dreams and to encourage them to do the same. To know that anything is possible if we have the courage to embrace the possibilities of our potential.

Find out more about Marie at or connect with her on Facebook.