24 in 24: 24 Ways to Improve Your Day (and Life!)

Timeline concept: Clock on puzzle backgroundWhat if making every day worthwhile was a simple as picking something from a list and doing it? Something easy. Something you could develop into a daily practice to improve not only your day but your life. Quite often, we tend to look for those “BIG” things we can do when some very small shifts are all it takes.

One of my coaching groups took on the challenge to come up with a 24 in 24 list. It’s a fun exercise that will make a big difference before you know it! Your own list will be different (and it should be!) because it needs to have your personal imprint based on what makes you smile and what gives you joy in your day. But this is a great place to start!

  1. Make some decisions before you begin
  2. Get up 30 minutes earlier
  3. Resolve not to use the “snooze button”
  4. Make your bed
  5. Mix it up! Change what you do first
  6. Eat breakfast
  7. S-t-r-e-t-c-h
  8. Practice Gratitude
  9. Move!
  10. Call someone –  just to say hello
  11. Ask yourself “how can I make this happen?” at least once a day
  12. Take a picture
  13. Call your Mom! (or Nana!)
  14. Read for pleasure
  15. Smile
  16. Try (learn) something new
  17. Clear your desk
  18. Take your vitamins
  19. Go outside
  20. Clean out a folder, a drawer, a shelf
  21. Pay it forward
  22. Say I love you
  23. Laugh
  24. Create something

My challenge to you is this: Pick 12 from our list and add 12 actions of your own. Over the next 24 days, choose one item everyday and try it. Then keep trying them until you get your daily mix just right!

Live (choose) today like you want tomorrow to be. Live (choose) well.