Year of the Monkey – A Year of Innovation!

Year of MonkeyTrue innovation requires a multitude of ideas, events and circumstances to come together at the right time when all components align, creating the perfect stage for invention and origination. Sometimes everything bad happens, pushing tolerance levels to the max. There is no way the perfect storm can be averted. It’s total chaos!

According to Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect, this is where something seemingly unrelated creates a small change to a nonlinear state, causing a ripple effect of change. Out of chaos, innovation occurs.

Monkey See, Monkey Do – Not So for Innovation

On February 8, we started the Chinese Year of the Monkey. Monkey Years are known to be years of innovation. It was a Monkey Year when the new democracy of the United States was started in 1776. The world of social media – and the world itself – was changed forever when Facebook was birthed in the previous Monkey Year, in 2004.

Think about the conditions under which these two inconceivable-at-the-time and life-altering innovations occurred. Both of these were started by one person thinking outside the box to find unconventional solutions to old problems. Huge risks were involved and taken after careful calculations were made. All these are Monkey Year qualities.

Your Tasks for Breakthrough Innovation

The energy of innovation is supported during Monkey Years. The time is right to achieve amazing, innovative results by changing things in your home and office environments. These improve communication, humor and wit to get you through this stressful year.

•    Create a clean slate for work
•    De-clutter
1) Your physical environment
2) Your negative or limiting beliefs
•    Exercise regularly
•    Connect with nature
•    Dare to be different
•    Take calculated risks
•    Be courageous
•    Run with your ideas

Now is the time! Embrace an inventive attitude! Solve problems you see in the world! Go forth and INNOVATE!