Getting Organized Is a Top Priority: Do It With Ease!

laptop-1246672_1920Is GETTING ORGANIZED on your list of things to do someday?  Do colleagues joke about your messy desk or piles of junk?  Do you waste time looking for important files or documents?  

Is “I know it’s here somewhere!” your rallying cry?

How can you clear away the clutter to make your business more efficient, more effective and more profitable?  Invest in getting organized.  Put your priorities in order so that you can accomplish the most important tasks.

Get organized by setting up systems and procedures.  Remember SYSTEM = Saving You Space, Time, Energy and Money.

Take a bit of time to get your desk and priorities in order.  With an orderly desk and an uncluttered mind, you will develop refreshed energy and purpose

Here are some easy Desk Get Organized Tips

  • Get Ready.

Hold all interruptions.

Put a large Trash Can beside your desk.

Time yourself.  Spend only 1 hour per day decluttering your desk. Stop at the end of 1 hour.

  • The Rules.

Identify and sort each item into a category or project, whichever is applicable.  Quickly write a word that identifies the category or project on the item

Don’t handle each task now; simply identify and prioritize.

  • Take Decisive Action.

Toss It

Call/Follow Up on It

Delegate It  

Store It elsewhere

Archive It

File It  –  Your goal is to retrieve this information easily.  Remember we only use 20% of what we keep.  We never refer to the other 80%.

  • Set The Priority for the Action items left

Is it a #1, #2, or #3 in order of importance?

Tackle a #1 first!

Your entire business outlook will be brighter, more productive and generate more Cash Flow!!