Often in business we keep our focus on the things that are the most important: serving our clients, making sales, or paying bills. Because we put our energy toward the most important tasks, we sometimes inadvertently put up with things that are not ideal.
Take a moment right now and ask yourself— what are you tolerating? It might be a stressful relationship, a disorganized office, or a website that you are embarrassed to show anyone. When there is something in your business that you are tolerating, it is draining your energy, decreasing your self-esteem and maybe even interfering with your business effectiveness.
Pay attention to what you are tolerating, make a list, and begin to eliminate one item after another. This will free up your time, improve your clarity, and increase your overall success as a thriving woman in business. Stop Tolerating It and Get Unstuck!
Here to support you!
Caterina Rando, TWIB Magazine Publisher