B – Breathe deeply and Be inside your body now. Close your eyes and slowly with intention fill your lungs with life giving oxygen. Imagine your lungs absorbing this vital life force giving nutrient and listen closely as your heart beats slowly delivering it to every single cell of your body.
R – Release energies that are not in your highest good. Close your eyes and imagine you can see your whole body as a grid of light illuminated from the inside. Notice anything in that grid of light that is dark or black or looks out of place. Imagine that you can collect any discordant energies or debris and dispose of them in a large refuse container. When you have managed to collect the negative energy, graphically visualize disposing of or destroying the can of energy “crud”. Make it fun.
E – Establish a connection with the higher self. Say to your self: “Self, we need to have a talk.” Now just listen. The part that says “who me?” or “what do you want to talk about” is the part we are talking to!
A – Ask for guidance from your angel team. Once you feel you have a connection with your higher self you can ask to call in your Angels, Healing Masters and Guides. Ask for assistance with whatever issue needs healing or attention. I like to draw oracle cards or use a pendulum to get my answers from my team but it is also possible to just wait and listen to whatever thoughts enter your consciousness. Sometimes you may see a picture or hear a song or have an idea. These are all messages. Remember- being connected to your higher self is the first step in bringing in your team.
T – Take the advice of your angel team! You may want to keep a journal handy to jot down messages, ideas, pictures, colors or information you receive. It is important to get these ideas or messages down on paper because our conscious mind LOVES to forget or rationalize the messages away. Let the message speak through you with art or music.
H – Hold the the resonance. Keep the energy of the vision alive by visiting it daily. Embody it, Breathe it, Write it, Create a Vision Board whatever you do, you must take some small action to nurture it daily. Call upon your team as often as possible to update and refine your vision.
E – Expect the best! Know that your angel healing team and the Universe want you to succeed. As long as you have been clear about your intentions and hold the resonance of what you want to create, heal or change in your life your prayers and healing intentions will be answered.
So there you have it. Now… take a deep breath and enjoy your fabulous life.
Angel Intuitive, Energy Healing Expert, and Spiritual Business Advisor Aeriol Ascher has decades of experience assisting clients to liv e more comfortable, confidant and conscious lives. Her healing practice Reiki Angel Intuitive Arts was voted Best “Day Spa” in Silicon Valley by the San Jose Mercury News 2015. Aeriol empowers her clients with tools to increase awareness, hone intuition and connect to their authentic self by offering them gentle guidance and straightforward advice on navigating the path to manifesting their heart’s desire. Got Questions? www.AskAeriol.com